How I get things done

I have a system. It works for me, maybe it will work for you. Probably worth trying, you never know.

A note before starting: Keeping things simple and accessible is key to a system that works. You don't need the perfect tool, most of the tools I use are probably missing some features, but they work well together as part of my daily routine and that is the most important factor.
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This email should have been a document

Everyone knows about the terribly boring and ineffective meeting that should have been an email, but… Should it really have been an email? I’m not so sure. I think email in the workplace was fine when that was all we had, but that form of communication has outlived its usefulness and should mostly be replaced by other mediums. There, I said it.

Photo by Maksim Goncharenok from Pexels

Emails are traditionally used for 3 main purposes:

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